Under the Gold Dome: January 2024 Session Update
The House of Representatives remains hard at work on behalf of Georgia families as we recently closed out our fourth week of the 2024 legislative session. In addition to committee work and floor votes, we honored Members of Georgia’s National Guard on the floor of the House Chamber, recognizing their heroism and service while naming January 25 as National Guard Day at the State Capitol.
The heartbreaking news that three soldiers, all Georgians, were killed in a drone strike came days later. They were all assigned to the 718th Engineer Company, a US Army Reserve unit based out of Fort Moore. We mourn the loss of these brave men and grieve with their families and loved ones. Georgians will never forget the names nor the sacrifice of:
· Sgt. William Rivers, 46, of Carrollton, Georgia
· Specialist Kennedy Sanders, 24, of Waycross, Georgia
· Specialist Breonna Moffett, 23, of Savannah, Georgia
Tax Relief Recap
Last week our team joined Speaker Jon Burns and key leadership to announce major tax cut proposals that will deliver much-needed relief to Georgians across our state. Joined by colleagues in the House, we unveiled plans to increase the child deduction from $3,000 to $4,000, double the homestead exemption from $2,000 to $4,000, and accelerate the state income tax cut from 5.75 percent to 5.39 percent. These proposals will strengthen families, lower individual tax burdens and further simplify and streamline our tax code. We look forward to continuing prioritizing hard-working Georgians, especially during a time of record-high inflation and out-of-control costs.
Reducing Workforce Barriers in Healthcare
We continue to address healthcare workforce and licensure issues this session with nearly unanimous support, including passage of House Bill 502, the “Georgia Cosmetic Laser Services Act.“ HB 502 updates state law to reflect innovative technology and new dermatological and medical procedures. House Bill 434, now allows licenses for radiologist assistants in our state. Under this bill, the Georgia Composite Medical Board would establish criteria for licensure and licensure renewal for radiologist assistants, as well as establishing rules and regulations related to the qualifications, scope of practice and supervision of these healthcare workers. This licensure would help to recruit and retain the healthcare workforce in Georgia, while also improving healthcare delivery and shortening patient wait times.
Standing with Israel
Lastly, the House passed House Bill 30, which addresses antisemitism in our state and would add antisemitism as a category covered by our hate crimes law. Despite House passage during the 2023 special session, the measure stalled in the Senate. Under HB 30, the internationally recognized definition of “antisemitism,” would become part of state law and strengthen state agency protections and enforcement against antisemitic discrimination.
As we continue working on the state budget, education improvements and other important policies, please stay tuned for legislative news and announcements. We will be working diligently on behalf of your family, our district and the state to create and implement simple, smart and effective laws.
We hope you will take the opportunity to review updates like this throughout the session and reach out should you have any questions, concerns or feedback.
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